Introduction to Call Tracking


Call Tracking systems allow marketers to measure the value of inbound calls driven by their marketing efforts. Calls are tracked and measured by utilizing local or toll-free phone numbers, and associating those numbers with ads, web pages, search keywords or anything else desired. Call tracking can be done either in-house, or via 3rd party vendors (like Invoca, DialogTech, Twilio, etc).

Below is an example for basic client-side call tracking configuration.


Configuration Example

Once a user arrives with any of the required to run query parameters, a 30 day cookie should be set with the value (this can be altered per your attribution needs). If a user revisits the site within 30 days without valid query parameters, the code will look for the cookie and swap out the number. If a user revisits the site with new valid query parameters, it will update the cookie and pass the new parameters. If a user did not arrive with valid query parameters and there is no cookie, the number will not be swapped. 

Terminology Overview

  • Required Param(s) - Query parameter (key) required to be present for numbers to swap.

  • Acceptable Value(s) - Query parameter (value) required to be present for numbers to swap.

  • Present Param(s) - Query string parameter present on current URL.

  • Valid Param(s) - Query parameter key and value matches criteria for numbers to swap.